Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When God closes Doors, He opens Windows

Back in March, God closed a door on me. One of unemployment. I was pissed and embarrassed a little, thinking that I was some black sheep that didn't have a job. After a week on moping around, I embraced it, decided that it was God's way of saying, take a break, and I will take care of you. He did. I didn't have to worry about money, because due to the way the unemployment system works, and due to a battle last year for my sales commission, I got paid my entire bonus in one quarter, and unemployment pays you on your highest paid quarter, therefore, I was getting just a little less than my former salary. God's little blessing in disquise from last year's battle about bonus! God knew what was ahead for me.

Just this week, my former employer let more people go and cut everyone's salary and making everyone take a mandatory two week unpaid vacation, therefore leaving me more profitable with unemployment. I know that unemployment isn't lasting forever, nor do I want to be on it for a long time, but I know that this gives me the opportunity to search for a job that I "want" and not one that I "need". It's about passion, and I want to find something that I am passionate about. So my layoff in March was a blessing in disquise yet again, because God was looking out for me because of the future things to come at my old employer.

I have found it so hard to keep my faith in God this year. I have lost alot, and I am not going to say, I know other's have lost more and I should be thankful for what I have, because I am bitter, and I don't believe this, I am thankful for what I have, but I miss the hell out of my Dad. Father's day is coming up and it's taking alot to get through it, but I have faith in God that he has put the right people in my life to see me through it.

Hopefully I found the window that God opened for me, it took me awhile, but I think or hope that I found it. I recieved a call yesterday about a possible job and I have a meeting next week. It's with someone I met with over a year ago about a job. Good things comes to those who wait, right? I am just not patient, and I believe this has been God's way of saying "Kelly, hold your britches just a minute!" So I have had to put my big girl panties on and be patient, luckily I have gotten a good tan and reading some good books all while being as patient as I possibly can!

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